Major public realm enhancements will make Vauxhall a more enjoyable place for all.

These projects will open up Vauxhall and make it easier to get around, encouraging people to come together and spend more time here.


The Gyratory

In a land swap with TFL, Great Marlborough Estates will create a new public square in Vauxhall. The project will put the heart back into the area, connecting the centre of Vauxhall (and Vauxhall Underground Station) to other open spaces. The gyratory will be remodelled and Vauxhall Bus Station moved to facilitate this. More details coming soon. 


Goding Street

There are plans to pedestrianise Goding Street in Vauxhall, opening up the F&B businesses to create a buzzy café culture feel, connecting the street to the lush green space of Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens.


Linear Park

The Linear Park will run from the new Vauxhall town centre through Nine Elms to Battersea Power Station, providing a pleasant way to travel on foot and access the river Thames. The inspiration comes from New York’s High Line, a hugely popular project that has bolstered regeneration and improved the city for everyone.